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An Advent Calendar

Tired? Stressed? Snowed under?

 Sign up now to get the whole calendar - 

focus on the Christ of Christmas,

master the festive crazy & chaos, & thrive all year through

Christmas might be the season of love, goodwill, and "peace towards men". However, while we try to keep our eyes on Jesus, at the same time a lot of us are busy, on edge, or stressed out by the craziness, like when:


  • The festive workload doubles your to-do list and you just don't have time,

  • You're facing off against financial pressures or family dramas, just trying to keep your head above water,

  • You end up in sensory overload from the kids and noise and lights everywhere, and/or

  • You're trying to plan an amazing Christmas for your family or church or community but you can't help but hear your mind muttering thoughts at you like, "What if it's not good enough! Maybe they won't like it! I'm not that awesome. I should do more!"


And so it gets really easy to lose the focus and joy of Christmas. 

So how about some

  • Effective, practical, God-honouring tips you can use to calm your body and make peace for your mind

  • Ideas on how to reduce stress, improve organisation and priorities, deal with conflict and enrich relationships (and more), while continuing to fix your eyes on Jesus

  • Tools to create more calm and balance in your life, family, workplace and/or community

which are...

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I'd love you to join me as I spin the typical chocolate-laden Advent Calendar into something that can actually help you with the stresses of the silly season and focus more on Jesus, like:

  • Making moments of peace and joy amidst the chaos

  • Focusing your energy and efforts more efficiently to get more time

  • Looking after yourself better while also serving Him and others more meaningfully and effectively

  • Optional mini worksheets to keep track and use to help you thrive with Him into 2019

​Taken from my email series, every entry in this free download talks about simple but profound things you can do to make peace and calm amidst the crazy and chaos to thrive, not just at Christmas, but all year long. Grab a friend and do it together!


Then when you put just a few minutes every day into reflecting and doing what we talk about, by the end of the month you’ll have something meaningful and useful that you can keep using to focus on Christ and create a little more peace, calm and balance wherever you need it. 

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So let's work together to take back your serenity and sanity! Sign up here to receive the entire calendar, ready for you to download, skip through, print, and scribble in as much as you need in the lead-up to Christmas - and beyond!

Here's a sample:


What’s the point of Christmas, for you? What is the point of all the busy-ness? If you can identify that - sum it up in a handful of words – and keep referring back to it, keep it at the front of your mind, you can be more stable and at peace in the face of the stresses and storms that crop up.

Jesus once told a story about two men – one who built his house on sand, and the other on rock. When the storms of life arose, the one who built his house on sand got washed away, whereas the other endured. Why? Because he built his house on the thing that really mattered. Jesus.

Being clear on the foundations of your life, the thing that is absolutely crucial to you, gives you grounding and direction in the midst of life’s craziness. So, stop, pray and reflect for a few minutes: 

-  Who is important to you right now?

-  What matters to you? At this time, in this place, in this setting?

-  What does it mean to the people around you?

-  What does it mean to God and you together?

Pick up a pen and write down what God brings to your attention.

Most of us are looking forward to pretty lights and presents and time off and food. But what is all that really about?


Is it actually about joy and gratitude and delighting in creation and creativity? Rest and self-care? Nurturing and investing in the people you love and relationships you value? Or having quiet time to contemplate the year past and plan for the year ahead? What is the point of all the activity in the bigger picture?


Take a few minutes, write down three to five words that sum this up for you and stick it up somewhere to contemplate every day. That's you starting to write a map, figuring out where you and Jesus and life (and the silly season) can fit together and thrive.

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So many of us get to Christmas or the New Year feeling drained, tired, and worn out. Maybe a little hollow and fragile, like beautiful glass baubles about to fall off the tree. And then we feel guilty or just a little off-kilter, because "we shouldn't feel like this. Why am I feeling like this? I've got no reason to feel this way!"


But you know what, my friend? There is another option. So while this time of year might be absolutely crazy, we can do something different. It can be different. You want in?

Thanks! Check your inbox shortly - the link to download your free Calendar will be there waiting for you!

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My name is Krystyna Kidson. I am a multi-tasking woman of faith - a psychologist, coach, wife, mum, daughter and friend who has been following Jesus for more than 25 years. I am a registered health professional who helps people like us master all the different stresses we face but through coaching and training rather than therapy.


I have two degrees in psychology (M. Psych  [Clinical] Hons; B. Psych [Hons] which includes a Minor in Neuroscience), and am a member of the International Association of Coaching. I church in the beautiful Sutherland Shire, run my own practice as the Psychologist Coach, and head the Paraclete Initiative - a stress mastery and burnout prevention ministry.


It has been my life’s work to come alongside my community, offering people practical and powerful strategies that have set thousands of others free world-wide, to work and care for themselves and Him and others more meaningfully, effectively, and sustainably.

By the way, if this isn't quite your thing or you know someone who'd prefer a more secular approach, please check out my other Advent Calendar here



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