Social Media Use Policy
for Krystyna Kidson - Psychologist - Coach - Supervisor
and Clients and Potential Clients of Krystyna Kidson
It is important to remember that one of the purposes of psychological practice is to create a safe space for people to explore and gain insight into their experiences. Social media is one space where issues can arise to interfere with this purpose. This policy is therefore designed to help us manage our social media activities so that this purpose may not be compromised.
This policy covers, but is not limited to, the sites and services mentioned below, and is also intended to cover any other social media services that are developed in the future:
(a) social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram);
(b) professional networking services (e.g. LinkedIn);
(c) video and photo sharing websites (e.g. Youtube);
(d) micro-blogging (e.g. Twitter);
(e) forums and discussion boards (e.g. Google Groups);
(f) online collaborations (e.g. Wikipedia);
(g) podcasting;
(h) blogs including corporate blogs and personal blogs; and
(i) blogs hosted by traditional media outlets.
Krystyna Kidson is a registered psychologist in Australia. This policy applies to all her professional activities (coaching, training, speaking, consulting, and professional supervision), though it most significantly effects individual 1:1 coaching and supervision engagements.
For the purposes of this policy:
(a) “individual client” refers to any person who is engaged or about to engage Krystyna Kidson’s professional activities (coaching, training, consulting, and professional supervision) in a paid 1:1 capacity;
(b) “organisational client” refers to any group or organisation who has engaged or is about to engage Krystyna Kidson’s professional activities (coaching, training, consulting, speaking) in a paid capacity to or for a group or team;
(c) “potential client” refers to any person/organisation considering engaging in such paid services;
(d) “non-client” refers to others connected to Krystyna Kidson who are not engaged or intending to engage in such services; and
(e) “stakeholder” refers to any individual or group with an interest in or who is affected by Krystyna Kidson's professional services and activities (including clients, potential clients, colleagues, professional peers, and relevant organizational or community members).
As a client, potential client, stakeholder, or non-client of Krystyna Kidson, a registered psychologist in Australia, you should therefore be mindful of her social media use policy as follows.
1. Confidentiality
1.1. Respect the confidentiality of Krystyna Kidson and other clients.
1.2. Do not post any information that could identify other clients on social media platforms.
1.3. This means Krystyna Kidson will not post any information that could identify any client she has worked with on social media platforms, nor will she communicate with clients publicly on social media platforms in a way that could reveal that they are or have been her clients.
1.4. An exception to this may be made for public speaking or training engagements organised with or for groups and organisations, where permission has been sought to disclose the engagement on social media and other public platforms.
2. Professionalism and Communication
2.1. As a psychologist providing a variety of services in that capacity, Krystyna Kidson has a collegial and warm relationship with each of her clients and stakeholders. It is important to maintain that level of professionalism both in and outside of the professional space; however, what that looks like may vary from person to person and may be negotiated on a case-by-case basis between Krystyna Kidson and each client/stakeholder.
2.2. Typically, Krystyna Kidson will not engage in any public or private online social media communication with her clients that is related to their work together.
2.3. However, public speaking events paid for or otherwise organised by groups, organisations or other third parties may be referenced in her public social media profiles.
2.4. Krystyna Kidson may use her public social media profile and private online social media communication channels to network and build relationships with colleagues and other professionals who are not her clients.
2.4.1. Such interactions will be characterised by: A high standard of professional conduct to maintain public confidence in her profession, as well as her own professionalism, character, and values of transparency, accountability, respect and responsibility. Thoughtfulness Respect for the opinions, cultures and beliefs of others. Being mindful that what she posts/publishes will be accessible for a long time and may continue to be available even after it has been removed from public view. Care to disclose any conflicts of interest that may arise from associations made through social media. This includes when a personal interest could be perceived as influencing the performance of her official duties and responsibilities.
2.5. Should a non-client decide to engage Krystyna Kidson in a paid professional capacity, please particularly note that points 3.3.2 and point 5 will take effect as below.
2.6. Should a non-client decide to engage in Krystyna Kidson’s free offerings (join her mailing list, 5-day training/retreats, free FB group, and the like), they will still be considered to be a non-client for the purposes of this policy but will continue to be treated according to 2.4.1.
3. Privacy and Power
3.1. Krystyna Kidson respects her clients’ privacy and expects them to do likewise for her.
3.2. She is aware that she holds a position of significant power and influence, and wishes for that to impact her clients and potential clients as little as possible.
3.3. As this applies to personal connections on social media:
3.3.1. If you have connected with Krystyna Kidson on a professional coaching or supervision basis, do not request to connect with her on personal social media accounts for at least 2 years following the cessation of your work together so that the power of her position and her memory of your information can wane. If you have connected with her only through the Candidature process with the Baptist Association of NSW and Act Churches, this time period may be shortened to 6 months.
3.3.2. If you have connected with Krystyna Kidson personally on social media prior to your work together, depending on the nature of that work, in order to protect your information and privacy, she may suggest you unfriend or unfollow each other so that you may retain full control over your privacy and information in your professional relationship with her. (See point 5 below.) Following cessation of that professional relationship, point 3.3.1 may apply.
3.3.3. This may not apply to connections on LinkedIn, as that is ostensibly a professional networking platform. Clients may request to connect with her on LinkedIn, and pending a careful discussion with Krystyna Kidson, such requests may be accepted, postponed, or declined.
4. Boundaries
4.1. Krystyna Kidson will respect the professional boundaries between herself and her clients. Clients are requested to do likewise.
4.2. Do not post comments, images, or videos on social media that may compromise the professional relationship.
5. Dual Relationships with Clients
5.1. In light of the diverse roles Krystyna Kidson (and many of her clients) fulfill, dual relationships are often unavoidable - Krystyna and her clients or potential clients often have more than one person, place, space, task or connection in common beyond their professional working relationship. Indeed, some clients choose to work with her because of her familiarity with certain spaces or tasks, and they have the right to do so.
5.2. However, to ensure professional integrity and maintain clear boundaries, Krystyna Kidson will disclose any potential dual relationships at the outset of the professional engagement. Clients are requested to do likewise.
5.3. All interactions on social media shall remain strictly professional - personal matters or casual conversations shall be avoided to prevent any potential conflicts of interest or boundary issues.
5.4. Any contributions on social media will be managed to ensure that no confidential information is shared or compromised. Sometimes, this may include restricting certain posts or communication methods.
5.5. Clients are encouraged to discuss any concerns regarding these dual relationships as soon as they become aware of their existence.
6. Dealing with Conflict or Disagreements as Clients or Non-Clients
6.1. If you have any concerns or issues related to your engagement with Krystyna Kidson, please raise them directly with her (either verbally or in writing).
6.2. Should we be unable to settle on a given issue, we can contact the Psychology Board of Australia and/or an accredited individual specialising in arbitration.
6.3. Please refrain from posting negative comments or reviews on social media which she may or may not see or have freedom to address in that context (see 1.2).
6.4. Should Krystyna have any concerns, she will raise them with you directly and respectfully in the most appropriate manner to the moment, context, and issue.
7. Legal Obligations
7.1. Any posts on social media that may infringe on the law or the legal rights of others are not permitted.
Open and clear communication is encouraged at all times. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the above, please contact Krystyna Kidson directly to discuss them further.