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Mental Loads

in life, work & ministry

10am - 5pm  SATURDAY  OCTOBER 20th,  2018

Following Jesus in all of life is wonderful… and sometimes very, very hard, right? You love Him, you love serving Him and other people around you, but something’s niggling at you. You have so much to do but not enough time to do it in. There are days when you feel like everything is working… then it explodes in your face. You spend lots of energy managing everyone and everything, but there's not much left over for other important things (and people) in your life. Maybe you spend hours second-guessing yourself, and you keep it all locked up inside. You're praying, and reading His word, and hearing Him speak, and you're tired. 

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What if you could throw off the tiredness from the never-ending to-do list? What if you could take back your time and energy and detangle from the stresses that keep clamouring for your attention? What if you could find an emotional, spiritual, physical equilibrium and clarity between the demands you face and the needs you have as a child of God? How much time, energy, emotion and effort could you reclaim, and put towards more of the things and people that really matter? 

Join us from 10am - 5pm on Saturday October 20th at the historic Winbourne Retreat Centre, set in the beautiful Mulgoa Valley, on 120 hectares of peaceful bushland, overlooking gentle rolling hills  and the Blue Mountains vista in the west. It is surprisingly central to the greater Sydney region, being approximately an hour's drive from the Northern Beaches, the CBD, the Blue Mountains, the Hawkesbury, and within an hour and a half's drive from the Southern Highlands and Wollongong. 

What you receive:

  • Effective, practical, God-honouring tools and tactics you can use every day to sort through stresses and challenges wherever they exist in your life, work or ministry

  • A tried-and-tested 4-step approach to stress mastery that you can sync with your faith, drawing on the core ways God designed us

  • Time out to contemplate and talk about these issues with God and with like-minded Christians

  • Ideas on how to use it to improve organization, work-life balance and integration, enriching relationships and more (depending on group members’ input and direction)

  • Templates to take home to help you continue implementing your stress mastery plan

  • A fully catered lunch and delicious morning and afternoon tea.

You will be a welcome member of a small group of Christians, just like you, acknowledging the day-to-day stresses inherent in living in a broken world, looking for a better way to do things, in an interactive and safe space where everything you think and feel is invited and appreciated. (Even those bits you wouldn’t share out loud in a million years.) Overall, it's an opportunity to relax, refresh, and re-engage with who and what really matters!

My name is Krystyna Kidson. I am a multi-tasking woman of faith: a mum, wife, friend, coach and psychologist; a registered health professional who helps people like us master all the different stresses we face but through coaching and training rather than therapy.


I have been following Jesus for more than 25 years, have two degrees in psychology [M. Psych (Clinical) Hons, B. Psych (Hons), Minor: Neuroscience] and am a member of the International Association of Coaching and Engadine Anglican Church.


It has been my life’s work to come alongside my community, offering people practical and powerful strategies that have helped set free thousands of others world-wide to work and care for themselves and their families more meaningfully and effectively.

This retreat is designed to empower you, under God’s hand and with the Spirit's help, to take charge, deal with what life in this broken world throws at you, and help you bounce back faster. By spending a few hours at this peaceful bushland location, you will spend time with Jesus, and learn new skills and perspectives that can revolutionise the way you view yourself, the stresses and challenges you face, and the mental and emotional loads you bear in His service!

INVESTMENT: $199.00.


Price includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea, full 7 hour program facilitated by an experienced health professional, handouts to help you keep up your skills when you go home, and access to this beautiful historic bushland venue! 

Do you want to find out more about Krystyna and the Paraclete Initiative?

Our venue, Winbourne Retreat Centre, Mulgoa

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Meet us at the beautiful sandstone Stables

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Arrive early to enjoy morning tea or walk the lawn Labyrinth

TIME       10am - 5pm

DATE       Saturday 20th October

PLACE     Winbourne Retreat Centre, 1337 Mulgoa Road, Mulgoa NSW 


Want to share the opportunity? Download an invitation here. Want to know more? Not free from 10 - 5 on October 20th and want to be kept in the loop for next time? For further information, contact me or check out the Paraclete Initiative: coming alongside God's people with practical, God-honouring tools to help you throw off all that hinders and set you free to love and serve others more meaningfully, effectively and sustainably.

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