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 not burning out 

Refresh, revive and thrive through life and ministry

10am - 5pm  Saturday March 30, 2019

Like Bilbo Baggins (J.R.R. Tolkien) once said, "Why, I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread. That can't be right. I need a change, or something." 


Following Jesus in all of life is amazing… and sometimes it's very, very hard, right? You love Him, you love serving Him and other people around you, and He has entrusted you with some wonderful people and roles and responsibilities... but what happens when you start feeling strained and stretched? Stress and burnout are often real hazards for those of us in paid and volunteer ministry. How do we keep burning bright?


  • you or your team have lots to do but not enough time to do it in, 

  • lots of people want you, and there's not quite enough of you to go around,

  • there are days when you love doing what you do - but on others it's a chore to put one foot in front of the other,

  • you still have that sense of vision and purpose, but sometimes things just seem... less. Less vibrant, a bit foggy, and you or people around you are feeling more distant or distracted,

  • you're praying, and reading His word, and hearing Him speak, and you're still feeling tired?

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What if you could throw off the tiredness? Untangle from the chaos? Find an emotional, spiritual, physical balance between the responsibilities you carry and the needs you have as children of God? How much peace, time, and energy could you reclaim, to put towards the things and people that really matter? How do things change when you thrive and burn bright in His service?

Therefore, since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

Hebrews 12: 1-2.

The Paraclete Initiative is about helping God's people live out Hebrews 12:1-2 in concrete, practical ways. This retreat is about getting some practical tools to prevent burnout and start mastering stress so we can all burn brightly and sustainably in His service. 


Join us from 10am - 5pm on Saturday 30th March at The Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Park, nestled in 200 acres of pristine bushland on the Illawarra escarpment, overlooking Stanwell Beach. Bring yourself. Bring your team.

You will each be a welcome member of a small group of Christians, just like you, acknowledging the day-to-day stresses inherent in ministering to a broken world, looking for a better way to do things, in an interactive and safe space where everything you think and feel is invited and appreciated. (Even those bits you wouldn’t share out loud in a million years.)

What you receive:

  • Effective, practical, God-honouring strategies you can use every day to sort through the issues

  • A tried-and-tested 4-step stress mastery and burnout prevention tool (ACT Matrix) that syncs with your faith, drawing on the core ways God designed us

  • Insight into thriving vs burnout as a problem of flow and what job, personal and spiritual factors contribute to and buffer us against it

  • Plans to improve different aspects of life and ministry (e.g. organization, communication, mentoring, prioritising, boundaries, etc; depending on group members’ input and direction)

  • Time to reflect on all of this in conversation with God and with like-minded Christians

  • Fact sheets, templates and follow-up emails to help you continue implementing your plan

My name is Krystyna Kidson. I am a multi-tasking woman of faith: a wife, mum, friend, coach and psychologist; a registered health professional who helps people like us master all the different stresses we face but through coaching and training rather than therapy.


I have been following Jesus for more than 25 years, have two degrees in psychology [M. Psych (Clinical) Hons, B. Psych (Hons), Minor: Neuroscience], and am a member of the International Association of Coaching and Engadine Anglican Church.


It has been my life’s work to come alongside my community, offering people practical and powerful strategies that have helped set free thousands of others world-wide to work and care for themselves and their families more meaningfully and effectively.

This workshop/retreat is highly recommended for helping professionals, people who have some sort of pastoral care or people-oriented role, and/or who just love Jesus and feel like they're being stretched just a little too much.



$139.00 (early bird registration) - valid until March 15. 

$179.00 normal rate.

Price includes full 7 hour program facilitated by an experienced Christian health professional, handouts to help you keep up your skills when you go home, support emails afterwards if requested, afternoon tea and beverages all day, and access to this beautiful bush mountain venue! 

Get a sneak peek:

TIME       10am - 5pm

DATE       Saturday 30th March 2019

PLACE     The Hub, Tops Conference Centre, 51 Bendena Garden, Stanwell Tops 


If you want to  

  • understand the tank-and-tap flow of the burning bright/ burning out process 

  • start mastering strain, stress, or overwhelm; and

  • refresh, revive and thrive;


then this day is for you. Take some time out with God to learn, relax, and start creating sustainable, practical pathways to keep going well wherever He's placed you.

Want to know more? Not free from 10 - 5 on March 30th, want to be kept in the loop for next time, or want me to run this for your organisation? For further information, contact me, check out the Paraclete Initiative or join us on Facebook: coming alongside God's people with practical, God-honouring tools to help you throw off all that hinders and set you free to love and serve others more meaningfully, effectively and sustainably.


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